22 Concepts I Learned in 2022

I wanted to end the year with 22 Concepts that I have learned in 2022. I can’t believe we are at the end of 2022! For me, the end of the year is my favorite time of the year. Other than my birthday is on the first of the year. Being an adult and dealing with taxes at the beginning of the year is really what does it for me. But this year I saw a lot of growth personally. I went from being scared to leave my house end of 2021-2022 to now being able to drive myself an hour away and back home with low amounts of anxiety. I never thought I would be able to be here again.

Main items of 2022

Roost Eleven Eighteen has continued to grow. We are almost at 1000 followers on Instagram and we were recognized in The Voyage-Ohio! I never thought I would see the day! I have a long way to go and I can’t wait to continue to grow with you!

2022 was a successful growing season in the garden. But we also dealt with some pests. I am ready to start onion seeds here in the next couple of days! So exciting! You can read more about the 2022 garden here.

The biggest project house related to was the bathroom makeover! I am so glad we got the bathroom done and I have probably said this 10 billion times but I am so glad we don’t have any more yellowing floors! You can read all about the bathroom makeover here.

22 Concepts I learned in 2022

  1. Do not give up on yourself! 2018 came and I couldn’t do hardly anything. I couldn’t leave my house without instantly having the worst crippling anxiety. With anxiety came depression. I was scared to do anything and I was mad at myself for being and feeling all these feelings. Going grocery shopping even was so hard. Let alone Driving an hour back to where I grew up to see my parents that I was definitely out of the question. To say it put a strain on my marriage is an understatement. I was a newly married woman. I remember being so low I didn’t think I deserved to be here anymore. I remember my mom talking to me over the phone telling me how much she loved me and didn’t want anything to happen to me. A year later I started seeing a therapist. And here I am in 2022 I can grocery shop by myself. I am able to drive all over town and the next town over by myself. I am now able to drive for 30 minutes and then an hour by myself. Dustin and I can go to my nieces’ birthday parties and family parties again. I have a yearning to travel because I have always wanted to travel. 2018 I thought this is it my life is over. I wanted to give up but I didn’t I pulled myself up and out. I know I will still have low days and that Is okay too.

Just Don’t Give Up

2. Self-love sometimes looks like doing nothing and relaxing all day long.

3. Don’t be afraid to start again. Coming from the girl who went back to school in 2022 5 years later and feels the best she has in the longest time.

4. Sometimes things don’t work out the way we want but in the end, they work out the way it’s supposed to.

5. A crappy job makes for a crappy life.

6. Protect your peace. I am always working on this. It is okay to say no- no is a complete sentence.

7. Give yourself grace. I am a perfectionist I want everything to be perfect and if it’s not I get really hard on myself. I am learning it is okay if it’s not perfect all the time.

8. Just because someone isn’t in your life the way they use to be doesn’t mean they still don’t care about you.

9. Having a plan works

10. and sometimes having a plan doesn’t work

11. A small seed can create a lot of dreams and love.

12. It’s okay to not know everything and ask for help

13. Right where you are is exactly where you supposed to be

14. Finding the love and comfort in things you once did is such a nice feeling

15. Every day I am learning more about myself.

16. Sometimes the best therapy is just being outside for myself

17. One small step makes a big impact on the dreams you’re trying to achieve

18. Being an aunt is such a great experience

19. It’s okay if my expectations are different than yours

20. Telling and sharing about your dreams isn’t silly.

21. continuing to learn to be confident in my own skin

22. Having a positive outlook can make a world of difference.

Thank you for being here and being a part of this community I have built. Wishing you a blessed and happy 2023! Please start doing more of what you love. And never regret a single moment in your life. And remember do not do any laundry on New Year’s Day!

-xx Cassandra