Roost Eleven Eighteen now hosting a book club.

Hi Chickadees! It’s been a hot minute. Life kind of got away from me with the end of the semester and garden season approaching. I was starting seeds and doing a billion things it seemed like.
Anyways! A little update. Roost Eleven Eighteen is now hosting a BOOK CLUB! I am so excited about this. after high school, I really didn’t read for fun or for myself. I felt like I didn’t have time to read. Putting so much energy into being the best wife, I felt like I really just couldn’t read. 2023 the theme is about finding myself again and doing more things I LOVE. I learned that doing more things that I love has helped my mental health tremendously. It is okay to be a little selfish every once in a while. I was filling everyone else’s cups and mine was left not just empty but dry.
Reading for Fun again + for Myself
Reading has been one of those items that just make me love life. I have always loved reading and it feels good to be reading for fun and for my enjoyment today. I set out with a goal of reading 120 books in 2023. Thinking I would definitely struggle with reaching this goal. But it is the middle of May and I am at 75 books! With sharing more of my reading on The Roosts Instagram, my friend Shay, from 341 Farms mentioned we needed a book club. LIGHT BULB. (Grus’ voice) I talked it over with my really close friend Maurissa, who over time has really become my confidant throughout all aspects of my life. Thus, Roost Eleven Eighteen Book Club was born. So far, I have 8 people in the club and we plan on starting our first book in June.
The Roosts’ book club is a safe place for everyone. I hope people who join and are a part of the book club can create new and lasting friendships and we can just come together and talk all month long and then once a month we talk all about the specific book we have chosen. As a group, we pick the books, and all the books will be available on Kindle Unlimited. The member can choose to pick up a paperback if they would like. But I really love Kindle Unlimited since I can read an unlimited number of books for $9.99/month it is going up to $11.99/month by mid-June. But this is still such a great deal since most new paperbacks cost at least $11.99. Each book club member is responsible for the price of the book no matter what medium they read it through.
Book Club is so On-Brand
This Book club is really so on-brand for Roost Eleven Eighteen. The biggest goal I wanted to achieve with Roost Eleven Eighteen was to create a community that was a safe and loving place for everyone and we could come together and make friendships. We could learn and grow over multiple topics. I feel so good about this and I can’t wait to see what other groups I can branch out with!
To learn more, and if you’re interested in joining, please send a direct message to Roost Eleven Eighteens’ Instagram.