Self-Doubt, Perfectionism and Anxiety


It would be easy for me to say that self-doubting yourself doesn’t belong in your life and that you have to just quit. But that’s all easier said than done.

Every day at least once a day I find myself doubting, second-guessing myself. If I am at work, at home, or working on Roost work. I think it’s natural to second guess oneself. But I probably take it to the extreme. I am a worrier and an overthinker. I have anxiety, life-altering anxiety. You mix all that up and get stress! Loads of it. Some days I wish I had a little switch I could turn all the worries off even for just a day. But it doesn’t work like that and the show must go on.

Sourdough Mishap?

If you follow Roost Eleven Eighteen on Instagram, you know that I am trying to start sourdough. I found a recipe on Pinterest, and followed it. I woke up the next day, and just thought that it couldn’t be right. So, after work, I threw it away and started over. Guess what? It looks the same. I followed the directions to a T. 5 ounces of whole wheat flour and 5 ounces of 90 degrees Fahrenheit filtered water. So it wasn’t me. It’s the recipe but I just assumed that I was wrong and messed up.

Update: This is me coming back to say that I didn’t mess it up nor was the recipe wrong. I just doubted myself and assumed it was all wrong. In reality I just didn’t give it enough time for it to do its thing.

Trying to be Perfect

There are days where I think I am doing everything wrong when it comes to Roost Eleven Eighteen. I am not as successful as I thought I would be. Or I should be doing more reels and more posts a day. That it’s not perfect and I want it to be perfect. I should be reaching out to more people, teaching more people, allowing more people to teach on the platform. But guess what? Roost Eleven Eighteen hasn’t even been “alive” for a year! I have never done this before. I have a whole website that I am typing on right now! But it’s easy to get sucked up in all the negative and to doubt me.

There is also me trying to be a good employee at my “9-5” job, a good wife, and a good fur mama. Trying to keep my house spotless like I like, making dinner, running a business, take care of my physical and mental health daily. It’s a lot. I am the busiest I have been in a long time and I love it!

Keeping the Self-Doubt Away

To keep all this straight and to keep the self-doubt away, I like to plan and set goals. Whenever I am feeling stressed, I take a breath and think about the goals that I have set and what I am trying to achieve. That usually helps 99% of the time! It reminds me of why I love all this so much and why I am doing it all! But we all have those days, that we just have to take a breather. It’s okay to take a break and relax. Working 24/7 and trying to be perfect doesn’t get you anywhere except burnout and in a rut. Just remember to believe in yourself, always!

Check out this funny reel that goes along with this post. We never want to see self-doubt or anxiety.

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